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Meteorological experiments Originated 2008-01/08, Last updated 2008-01/10, 05/27, 2009-3/25
This page is designed to show the various photos of meteorological experiments by Hajime satoh, regardless success or failure, with descriptions. Much more photos will come soon.
Big Rainbow: Room's curtains are drawn for better images.    Big Rainbow 1    Big Rainbow 2    Big Rainbow 3(Distance=5m & 9m)    Big Rainbow 4(Spectrum of Light)
General Description
Air pressure
1. Magical bag.
        Your small amount of air breathing will lift the heavy 
        dictionaries up.
2. Music with wine glass.
        Rub the edge of a wine glass by your finger 
        and beautiful sounds will come out.
Surface tension
3. Surface tension.
        Plastic card holds the contents of wine glass even it is 
        upside down.
        Try to use gauze or handkerchief instead of plastic card.
Centrifugal force
4. Pressure by centrifugal force.
        Rotate small glass ball in a baloon and you experience the 
        pushing force at your perm on the surface of the baloon.
5. Magdeburg suction cups.
        Sucker will hold heavy iron arrays.
        This is famous for Magdeburg hemispheres experiment.
6. Typhoon vortex.
        Radar chart animation of Typhoon number 0706(JMA)
        and, Tama river water level.
        Very dangerous. One more story, to drink typhoon's water. 
Melting ice
7. Melting ice.
        Water freeze to ice. 
        The level of ice top will be 10% higher than water's level.
        Ice melts into water. 
        The water comes back to the original point. 
Paper plane
8. Paper plane.
        Make your own wings with various shape, and attach a little 
        bit heavy thing(eg. clip) at the head of the wing. Easy to 
        make but needs for you some trials to get good flight.
Coanda effect
9. Coanda effect.
        Fluids like air and water flow along the curvature of 
        object body. This characteristics move the objects towards 
        the fluids shown by the photo. This phenomena is used for 
        the explanation of plane's lifting force.
Water surface
10. Water surface is made lower.
        Fluid(like awater and/or water) between two ojects flow fast 
        and the pressure of the fluid decrease.
        Very danderous for ships, will causes collision.
11. Lifting force.
        Plane's wing curvature lifts wing up in a fluid flow.
        This is a case of "Coanda effect."
        This experiments gave me 2 to 3cm lower of water surface.
Floating ball
12. Floating ball.
        The airflow from hair drier hold light plastic ball.
        If the ball wants to go away, it is pulled by the air flow.
        Air flow has lower pressure, on the otherhand high in the 
        surrounding air.
Wind force
13. Wind force.
        Paper wind mill is driven by wind.
        Wind rotates toy wind mill and lift up object body.
        Wind energy is converted into potential energy.
Centrifugal force
14. Centrifugal force.
        Rotate bucket with water.
        No spill of water when speed becomes apporiate.
        Do not lose the rotation speed when the bucket comes 
        around on your head.
Pitot tube
15. Pitot tube.
        Pitot tube is known to measure the plane's speed.
        Air blow from your mouth will lift the water in a tube 
        up. You can calculate the speed of the blow.
Tacoma bridge
16. Tacoma bridge.
        The Tacoma bridge is a famous example for resononce 
        by air flow. Every structure has it's own eigen oscilation 
        value depending on the individual size. This eigen value 
        sometimes make resonance to the airflow. 
        Aftermath, falling down of a bridge.
17. Vortex growth.
        Vortex grows after the object in a air stream. You can 
        viusualize the movement of air flow using aluminam power 
        And take photos with appropriate shutter speed(few seconds).
Air layer
18. Air layer.
        Density difference makes the discrete layers.
        Oil, Milk and Soy source will make the layer.
        Keep this order to make good layer.
        We live under the actual air layers and sometimes 
        under the cloud layers.
        Density list 
Cold front
19. Cold front
        Cold front runs in an real environment.To simulate it,
        pour milk at the one end of long water tank.
        Milk runs fast without mixing with water.
        Consider as milk=cold air, water=warm air.
Bennard convection
20. Bennard convection.
        Mix silicon oil and aluminum powder.
        Heat it and you will see the movement in a water caused 
        by warm water rising, and cold water sinking.
        Cu cloud is considered as a product of Bennard convection.
    another photos pf Bennard convection
21. Convection.
        Visualization of heat convection with aluminum powder mixed 
        by 10cm hight of water. Heat it at the center bottom. 
        Camera shutter speed 6 sec.
Karman vortex
22. Karman vortex.
        Vortex street is generated after the mountain lee side in 
        air flow, which is seen at Mt.Halla(Korea) and Mt. Yaku(Japan).
        Mix aluminum powder with water. Pull cylindrical rod in the 
        water and you will see a street of vortex.

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