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Originated: 2002-10/06  Last Updated: 2003-5/28, 5/30, 2010-8/25

native speakerとの会話で話題になったこと、AFN,TV などで耳にした表現、 その他本で読んだことなど、思いついたことなどを書き留め、綴っています。

flow into the river
sex up(報告書などを)魅力的にする。(朝日新聞の夕刊1面に記載あった。)
white wash  不都合なことをhideする。(朝日新聞には、「黒を白と言いくるめる」と夕刊1面に記載あった。)
school is just about to start.
plumb  鉛の重り、plumb line--perpendicular. 
plumber 鉛管工
-ship suffixである。
      meaning "state or condition of". friendship, kinship.
      meaning "the skill or ability of". statesmanship, apprenticeship(でっち奉公、見習修行).
      meaning "the relation of". fellowship.
-cy suffixである。
    democracy, accuracy, lunatic--lunacy, vacancy, occupancy, 
     captain--catpaincy, magistra(te)--magistracy
オバマ大統領の言葉:信教の自由は must be unshakable. それがAmericaだ。
TVゲームは、can be good, can be bad.
medium には、媒質とか何かを伝えたり含んだりするenvironment的な意味もある。

=========== 以下、2002〜2003========================
PC troubles are over Friend
map a plan
autograph 有名人のサイン

エクスダイト exdite=
The Chinese government is fighting a unique problem in its ongoing battle against SARS ・spitting, a longstanding Chinese tradition.
well educated
be naturally inquisitive
a.k.a=also known as...
real name a.k.a different name(stage name or pen name etc....)

tag question:  軽く確認する場合は、発音を下げ調子にする。驚きの中で、確認するときは上げ調子で発音する。

just in case (To avoid sth, we must do sth. (或るsituationになると困る、それを避けるため、何かをする。)
ここでの case は、situation をさす。日常良く使う表現のようです。

NZ から来ている教師曰く;NZの北島にMt. Eden あり;低山だが眺望が非常によいらしい。
NZ には、地震は殆ど無いらしい。しかし、断層faultが南北の島の間を通っている、と。

imbarrased(lack of balance) = dizziness or giddiness,
giddy(adj,めまいがするような状態、軽はずみな行動), dizzy(バランスを失するような感覚)
prime meridian (meridian=子午線)
inundate, inundation 多すぎること、
to release earthquake energy.
2つの地名「ボカラトン」の発音、スペルに要注意! Voca Raton(CA), Boca Raton(FL)

to rein in (looters) = to control (animals or men)

to live several lives by knowing several languages
conspiracy  陰謀、悪巧み
disguise  変装
to play key role (Mr. Bush)
rupture 破裂、突然の別れ。
Dispense pills 無料支給

could be used by terrorists
high jobless rate
to conserve energy
if in doubt,
A door is ajar. 半開き
Those were the days ! 昔が懐かしい!
I might even….
Assimilate   使いこなし、よそ者の受け入れ
Retail sales are even better than expected.
Genetic modified (altered)

Environmental activist
Environmental issues
Too early to say
To take new steps to rebuild new nation
We have patience
Historical context

tax cut plan
it’s almost seven.
Welcome home party
Becomes dire (very serious) that …
Look delicious !
To pour egg around…

I’m pleased to meet you.
Cultural divide

Green day
What’s the Green day like ?
No matter what card …
Contamination issues
Open minded
Infectious disease
Oil well
Nerve gas (麻原)death penalty
Chicken test
Chicken Test
It seems the US Federal Aviation Administration has a unique device for testing the strength of 
windshields on airplanes. The device is a gun that launches a dead chicken at a plane's windshield 
at approximately the speed the plane flies.The theory is that if the windshield doesn't crack from 
the carcass impact, it'll survive a real collision with a bird during flight. It seems the British 
were very interested in this and wanted to test a windshield on a brand new, speedy locomotive they 
were developing.
They borrowed the FAA's chicken launcher, loaded the chicken and fired. The ballistic chicken 
shattered the windshield, went through the engineer's chair, broke an instrument panel and embedded 
itself in the back wall of the engine cab. The British were stunned and asked the FAA to recheck 
the test to see if everything was done correctly.The FAA reviewed the test thoroughly and had one 
recommendation: "Use a thawed chicken."

*Chicken Test for Doneness (per Washington Fryer Commission)

No matter what method you use for cooking chicken, the most accurate test for doneness is a meat 
thermometer. Since chicken is never ready to be served unless it is done, always be sure it is 
completely cooked. Whole or bone-in chicken should reach an internal temperature of 180 
degrees, and boneless chicken should be cooked to 165°F.
Other indicators for doneness include:
1) A fork or toothpick can be inserted with ease.
2) The juices should be clear, not pink.
3) Bone joints move easily.

installment (of 構成の一部分
3 day outlook
cancer causing material(water bottle solfd in japan)
SARS are kept under observation in Beijin
Buckle up.  Very important
Radio channels were allocated
Perpetual snow=万年雪
Eating healthy
Maim,  maiming= 体の一部の機能をケガ等で失う
treacherous journey  身に危険のある
quicker than eye

Just in case

as well の使い方が分かってきた。
In addition
[Popular人気がある] と[common良くあること・一般的]、とは意味が違う。

・blackmail, deception, She was in tear all night, with 2nd thought, sluggish economy,  
  severe consequences, 

・immediate stimulus, dividents, Miami Blue (Butterfly, poisonous ??), extinction, budget short hole,
  Weather system, because of global warming, This is serious information, 仮死suspended animation, asphyxia,
  celebrate, prosperity & happiness, "Coming of Age" Day, 
  USアンボイ???、プリザンプションpresumption推定・認定、 paper foldオリガミ、 We just simple minded, 
・悪天にも関わらず出航, hard to say, 
  甲板deck, The boat capsized, metabolism, a squid, bow(front of ship) and stern(rear) 
  the year after next, The Coast to Coast Walk(12Km around Aukland in NZ)
  12Kms as the crow flies, 
  It's only a few miles as the crow flies, but more like twenty through the mountain roads.

・zodiac, deterministic, eccentric, bossy, moody, stubborn, individualistic, 
  気分転換=to change state of mind( mind change, feeling change ではない!)

・economy boosting, table for discussion, viable生きている・使える, 
 rustyさび付いているout of practice実用にならなくなる、 eye catching slogan, loose face, 
  medical liability負担額, liability insurance責任保険(賠償金),assets and liabilities 資産と負債、
 cessation, long term care, many years, ... so on,  perspective, highly specialized skill, 
 mentally reterredでなくretardedです。知恵遅れ,retardant=化学反応を遅延させる物質、火勢を衰えさせる物質、 

・the Continental Divide(米国)ロッキー山脈分水界、watershed(英国)分水界、continental drift 大陸移動(説)
 economic crime, snatch, He snatched the woman's purse. to snatch their belongings, tap

・continental divide, continental drift= the sideways movement of continents resulting from the motion of the earth's crust
  crust= the outer layer of the earth, watershed=a ridge or high area dividing two drainage areas,
  shallow, swamp in Luoisiana 
・Louisiana,US では、TornadoよりもHurricaneの方が夏場に良くやってくるそうです。
・panhandleの例示---> Texas panhandle, Okulahoma panhandle, Florida panhandle の3州のようです。
・time frame, in addition to the unemployment benefit, absorbed in..., demogogary, 
  stock dividents, higher risk for death, don't miss out= to fail to experience or take advantage of something, 
  rat race, 

・health care industry, racism, negligible, budget crisis, in the long run,  labor cost, 
  Bush holding a Cabinet Meeting, economic stimulus package/plan, 
 sanction, largest wildfire, National regulation, to have more in store??? over the weekend,
  Venezuera;angry crowd, prevail, make a habit, Colorado pre-paid tuition plan, 
 long time no see, sorry ! avalanche, resort hotel employee, connecting train, 
  dental(デナル、と聞こえる) care、routine examination, Interpreter通訳、
  Cyclone Tracey hit Darwin, Australia at Christmas Eve, 1974.

・what makes it fascinating, confer to(to discuss something), unqualified, my contention... (line contention)争点,
  a lot of differences, eating disorder, teeth decayed, scientific point of view,   
・So, you actually score zero. Golf swing; no creativity, how are you doing? sound good, pebbly like sand
  fist; fistfight拳骨で戦う、to settle an old score 敗戦の借りを返すrevenge, itinerary,
  to stop the train in time, annual holiday tour, to make it a habit for you, buckle up at driving, 
  separating your trash(paper products, bottles,,,), when you go through(experience),
  to go through with成し遂げる、cost of tuition is going up, 
  Japan's MOCHI; choked to death, very exaggerating, made a visit, splendor, the splendor of the rising sun,
  man slaughter, grass roots work, snob, snobbish, 
  Emancipation Proclamation, momenteous decree, curvaceous,  
  Civil Rights Movement, activist, 
  never ending quest,
  HP renewal = to update Home Page, 

・behind the closed door, personal humiliation, paradigm shift, literature 文献, 
  to be interestead in the news of the day and the problems of the hour,  impinge浸す、intrude、当たる、打つ
  discourse演説, come to market, porcupineヤマアラシ, pollen, she is allergic to pollen. 
  rite 儀式、慣習, irrelevant見当違いの, remnant残り物,shard穴ふさぎ、ウロコ,trilogy三部作, carnivorous食肉の,
 lecherous好色の,affront侮辱、平然と挑む、bliss幸福、sublime昇華、崇高さ,deityダイアティ神性, rapture歓喜,
  temporale (world)現世の、世俗の,dense forest密林,canopy天蓋,覆い,realm領域、世界,housecleaning大掃除、弊害の除去,

  synthesis総合、合成, (vs)analysis
  geo cebtric地球中心の、perception知覚、認知、wage賃金、応報,authentic信頼できる、確かな、spheres球体、領域,theology神学、
 settle for受け入れる、prosaic平凡な、散文的、aloof遠ざかって、kin親類、血縁関係、atonement償い、埋め合わせ,
  envoy公使、surmise推量する、manifest明示する、manifestation,epiphany公現(日)12th day, sheer(life)まったくの、純然たる、

 denote,denounce非難、告発、解約、通告、 deplete=exhaust空にする、枯渇させる、premise,premisis前提、屋敷、proposition主張、命題、提案、
 pulse,pulsation脈打ち、鼓動,due diligence=careful attention,
  Nice day, isn't it ? 初めて話しかけるとき。
 incumbent 義務として成すべき、牧師、在職者、現職の、---cy在職期間、snoreイビキを書く、gargle,digital divide情報格差
 take up of your lunch time break, 
  I promise, I don't take up most of your time ! お邪魔します。占領してしまう。

・food pyradid, blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, hypertention, heart desease, satulate fat,
  this is very serious, healthy nutrition, Federal food program, individual choices, American public, 
  to put them together, healthy cookeies,, real issue is..., things like that, star shape, 
  アンティクエイテッドsystem, クラウドof water, ホーリスティックplan, carbon hydro..., 
 that's the last word(番組の最後の発言), have a great weekend, high miliage vehicle,

MLK's voice
MLK's Aug.28,1963
MLK's Speech
MLK Holiday celebration

MLK Holiday celebration; Music
MLK's Speech; Recorded
We shall overcome.; midi musicI HAVE A DREAM 

    Civil rights antheme:
    We shall overcome 
    We shall overcome 
    We shall overcome someday. 
    Deep in my heart, I do believe
    We shall overcome someday.

・Storm in a teacup, To err is human, A tree is known by its fruits, Still waters run deep, 
  It never rains but it pours, After rain comes fair weather, Time and tide wait for no man, Easier said than done,
  The wind in one's face makes one wise, Now or never.
・backseat driver, 
・beat around the bush,
・balance of power(ある問題を一定の方向へ向けたり、安定させたりする影響力のこと)
・calm before the storm.
・I am the master of my life;
  I am the captain of my soul. (1888, William Earnest Henleyの詩)
・on the brink of disaster.(危険なことに対しての、がけっぷちの状態に居る事)
・"Bright and Early" Thursday morning, bright and early, we took a ride around the premise(敷地).
・ burning question問題(anger, fever情熱, shame, thirst欲望)
・how to defend our country, 
  economic stimulus, stimulus package, Stimulus(n) Her economic plan calls for a two-part stimulus to the economy.
  black office, one of the suspect, investigation, five survivors, scape goat,

・I made a New Year's resolution.
  amazing, flash back, threat of war is looming, flush(トイレのフラッシュ、顔が赤くなる)
・Son's day = Sunday

・"What's new ?" 会話のきっかけ、或いは単なる挨拶。「調子はどうだい、程度。」
 wild-goose chase. wet to the skin.
・Read the Tea Leaves. 茶葉の配列で未来予言。
・come to the conclusion, deeper deficit, 
・dexterous(手先が器用skillful & speedy in doing something with your hands、話の反応が速いquick in speaking)利発である, dexterity
・You can say that again ! (相手が不満を言った。何か、悪いことの話題、に対する完全同意。)
・You are what you eat.
・If you build what, who will come ? 
・If you build it, will they come ?The road not taken. Robert Frost (Poet, 1874-1963)
・Question Authority ということを考える一例です。walk-a-thons USではさまざまな Fund rasing があるようです。xxxx-a-thons として。 Marathon から来ているようです。

・Year 2002 is almost over.
  to put together with you, best buy, dismantle, conspiracy, escalated tension, nuclear complex, 
  What's happening in the building, 

・started doing, started to do  これらの二文は、同じ意味です。
・stopped doing, stopped to do これらの二文は、使い方が異なることに注意。

・He was driving. He stopped (driving) to get a coffee, 
・He stopped (doing what he was doing) to get change, 

・remember doing, remembered to do,
・Did you lock the door ?  Yes, I remembered to lock the door.  ここで、remembered の使い方に要注意です。

・flunk= to fail an exam/ a test badly
・to come up with, ask protection for them, search for solution, dismantle(N.Korea の封印解除問題)
 What's going on ? Pretty good.
  DMZ: Demilitary zone
・You are my Ace Deuce, Please keep in mind, 2nd suspect, number of mysterious symptom,
  Area hospital, to decipline, watch dog,

・JFK's Inaugural Address
・Santa Claus paid a Christmas Eve visit to U.S. Marines in the Kuwaiti desert.
・watch と look の使い方の違い。watch は、動いているものを見る。 look は、動いていないものを見る。
・sun dog: 幻日。フロリダでは、日没の30分程度前に、良く見たと英語教師が言っています。
・skelton in the closet: Idiom、誰もが持っている(話すのが恥ずかしいような)個人的な秘密。

・from cradle to クロース, humbled himself, definity???, transfiguration, but the reality is opposite, in the mothers hand,
  embliom???, God came to us, スランブル, credential, secret service,  commitment & recommitment, beautiful country, 
  from Nashville Tennessee, Gospel, southern gospel USA countdown show,   
・life threatening, smallpocks, vaccine should be available, US casualties,
  romanticide??? Christmas, adoration, interesting article, archailogist, Betzrehem, 
・to ride home, We visited our friends in Greece.(visit to と toを入れないこと。), come to visit withus foa few hours,
  This is  ドーラブル,dent, dodge(急に避ける), 
 clothes の発音は close とまったく同じ「クロウズ」です。私を含めて日本人はよく間違うようです。thの発音ではないことに注意。 
  同類語の cloth(n.), clothe(v.), clothing(n.)はthの発音です。

・porcupine(ヤマアラシ), escrow account

・many open question, complete decoration, facts sheet, to compell compliance, the burden on Iraqui, UN resolution 1441, 
  calls serious consequences, economic consequences, oil sector, to put forward,
  we are working for modality???, let us remember this, nevertheless, he made it clear, key aspect, intensify the inspection, eventual war, 
  antrack??? produce, dismiss, sunshine policy, NPR business updates, financial sector, to cripple country's industry, 
  Secretary Powell, Where do we stand for? Mayor issue, I have never heard, a short break, Where we are ?   
  in terms of, something like that, inconsistency,as far as, missing information, irrelevant???
  no matter what, malocious, guarantee, breach, weapon inspection will be continued, material breach, disarmament obligation, 
  family advocacy支持, ruin vs dirty, straighten up, neat, 
  high housing cost, low paying rate, in a decade, survivors from breast cancer, special holidy treat, 
  [Robbery] cash & valuables, typhoon ラベッジ , ... gear(tips???),
  making sure, international support, deception, dispute, inevitable, as much as possible, great participation,raising question,
  American people are not yet concinced. another survey, urgent need,

・I don't know how she does it.   How do I know that?

・increasing supervision, chemical deteriolation(状況悪化), film preservation, night watchman,
・call local office for more information, red Dragon, Anthony Hopkins,  
・focus on the future, inevitable, organize national campaign, to send strong signal, to hang on, to keep fly bankruptcy, 
 [Tabacco]still leading cause of death, 
 to flet the scene, You are welcome. My problem is..., to build system, counter measure system, 
 can be shot down, any particular point, global security program, you have alternative, [N.Korea]suicidal, no more sense, airport security,
・to satistify your concern, bunch of people, overestimate, underestimate, in terms of, capable of, much more complicated game,
 That's true ! American Ambassador to UN, reconciliation, testify, in the view of, one time payment, devastating local economy, end of the year, 
 deployment, budget office, operating cost, total cost, other equipment cost, aquisition
 We celebrate Dr. Martin Ruther King Birthday,  

・obligation, duty roster, to straighten up, tidy, mark, mow the grass(grassesではない)
・Here is the E-mail question, You are on the air. 
 Who is this ? (←ラジオのアナウンサーが電話してきた人に聞くとき)
  easily available, traditional tune,  
・definitely difference, overblowing, cross finger, 
  quite a little bit, anthropology, quick question, I realy appreciate..., music group,
  great music, album, nice to know, constrain, original composition, instrument, original music, keyboard work, 
  controversy surrounding, [Radio program]"This is talk the nation", 
 poet(who writes poem), prouse(プロウズ;普通に使う言葉:poetry や verseとは異なる )
・open minutes, agenda, I would like to know, keep a way, 

・Seal on the Thems, genetic information, - problem, - testing, particular disorder, - disease, hard question, 
  regulating safety, to insure,
・to help the dream keep, holiday season, The Cascade Range, 
  Heavy rains caused a wall of mud to cascade down the hillside, 
  [Animal abuse] 6 month guilty suspended 3 years, smallspok attack, bogus report, 
  Where is your stray animal home ?
・オーセンティック, "I never cry over you"(1941, from Great Track Music), donation box, [Snow] to blanket, 
  snow accumulating, he shook his head, エクサーツ
・to select the sex of children, conspiracy(unlawful secret plan), free speech cross burning ??,  -gen-(word root),
  convene(to assebmle for a meeting), endorsement, posterity(future generations), most notable, segregationist, 
  current smoke bar, dangerous toxic substance, [EAST COAST] conditions are improving, to ban, timberline, findings, 
  speculation, [CHINA] world fastest growing counter, [Fri. 13th] special day, quality of life upgrade, 
  international snowboard competition, annual HAGIOTA market at Asakusa, 
  Tokyo Kite exhibit, You can contribute buying Tokyo kite,
  three people managed to escape, make sense, is headed for bankruptcy, political incorrectness, constituancy, 
  If we had an earthquake damage, If you are interested in, expedite(to speed up of the progress), messy configuration, 
  high broadband, sterilize, be held at, this saturday, dumb terminal     
・[airのidioms]: on the air, up in the air, in the air, walk in air, off the air, clear the air

・absentee ballots, provisional ballots, the day before election, mind set, 
・long term power outage, 
・negotiate: 米国の大雪で、自転車に乗る、車を運転するのに negotiateする(困難を切り抜ける)。
 to move through, around, or over in an effective, correct, or safe way; The car had trouble negotiating sharp curves.
  Elderly people were carefully negotiating the hotel steps.
・Commander: Family's medical emergency
・financial efficiency, a quick question, fund rasing, How to charity pitch money?????   philanthropy慈善、(pl)慈善事業
・emigrate  出国、出国者   Maria emigrated from Mexico three years ago. 
・immigrate 入国、入国者   They immigrated to the United States in the 1850's.
・migrate   移住、人・動物 More than 2 million ducks migrate to the lake each fall.

・All you have to do is...,
・wild ape scratched 14 women at West Tokyo, eyecontact, lawful business, 
・flush: 頬が紅潮する。水で洗い流す。元気あふれた。鳥がパッと飛び立つ。
・flash: 閃光、フラッシュ、ニュース速報、
・England, UKから来ている教師曰く、日本の女のこの高い靴、長いマフラーはflashだね。何でこんな危険なものがはやるのか、と。 
・Scotlandに近いところに住んでいる。冬の北風が厳しい、シベリヤから吹いてくる。日本の冬は楽だ。夏のheat,  humidはかなわない。

・FL, USから来ている教師曰く、Hawaii の文字は、12文字だけです、と。---> KLMOAUNIWHEP. 
  日本人は、何故、OAHUをOAF、ORLANDOをORLAND と発音するのか、と質問あり。へー、そうですか。
・hypothesis = an educated guess, He made an educated guess.
・Grammar; Univ. of Illinois.Conjunction Connecting independent clauses: の not only..., but also... は、最初の文  は、倒置文とすべきこと。
  Not only did the cat jump over the fence, but he also scratched the paint.   
・州の名称 米国では、"state"、カナダでは"province" です。Canadaの州も"state"と言うのかと思っていたら、
  England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. これらの4つをあわせて Britain と言う。

・Phrasal Verbs
・NZからきている教師から"3rd conditional" という耳慣れないことを、初めて聞きました。
  Conditional sentences  3rd conditional
・expedite, high broadband service, messy configuration, sterilized,  
・If we had an earthquake damage,...,   If you are interested in,...,  
・be held this Saturday, 

・any classified information, sensitive information, as a consequence, 
・sniper suspect: prosecutor, should be tried as adult, death penalty is another key issue,
・No decision has been made.
・FL,USから来ている教師、Florida を出発し、Michiganまでの往復 3,000 miles を 1 week かけてdrive したことがある、と。
 また Texas にも(片道 1500 milesある)往復したことがある、と。Big Bend という National park がある、と。
 Rio Grande の曲がり角の地点なので、Bendと名づけられたらしい。

・chimotherapy, quality of life, deadly bacteria
・obesity<---obese 肥満 fat, unhealthy, smoking related disease, sex transmitted disease, 
・political incorrectness, constituency 選挙民、選挙区(constitute:構成する)
・United Airline: headed for bankruptcy, bankruptcy protection, to avoid bankruptcy, liability, 
・to make sense,
・SHINKANSEN: It could take another ten years.
・Science without religion is blind.
・child prostitute, wearing next to nothing
・missile: available at open market, 3 suicide bombers, custody, detained, could be further attack, 
・Kenya: Three people managed to escape.
・2 straight snow
・You can make your donation. non prophit organization, take advantage of,
・I know who you are. 
・expenditure, secede??????

・disguise 変装、偽装する。
・whoever, one particular day, 
・bankruptcy inevitable

・自分の意見を主張するとき、"I think,..." といったら負けです。
 "I think, nuclear energy is cheap." だめ。
・on the way home, narrow escaped, horrorable crime,
・only too glad to accept your offer
・I have a real short question. nation wide, 

・I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will 
  not be judged by the color of the skin, but the content of their character. 
・I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and 
  the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.  
・You can say that again !
・What do you say when you encounter a people from abroad ?
・1950 genocide, frustrated picture, to take music lesson, incredible beautiful
・Happy Turkey day !  Happy Thanksgiving !
・Shoppers are looking for a big bargain.
 Each hand decorated cake is prepared with a nine step recipe 
 that takes 3 hours and 41 minutes to produce for your enjoyment.

・Rapport 友好的・親密的関係 a relationship , esp. one that is syspathetic and understanding
・"should" を使って3種類の表現をする:
            Advice(You should work hard..., You ought to...)  未来
                     Regret(I should have worked hard..., I should have been more careful...)  過去
                     Scolding(You should go back your desk..., You are supposed to..., You ought to...
                              You should have worked hard..., You were supposed to...,)  過去、現在
・叱る表現:situationとしては、受身側は、threat と感じている状況であるので、同じ叱る表現でも、
・シカゴからきている教師に、私が、「今日はThanksgiving dayだ」といったら、「そうだ、オレは去年の今頃、シカゴの家にいたのだ」
   the 4th Thursday of Novemberは彼らの国のNational holidayであるとのことです。
   いろいろなreligious celebration day があるようです。 US の National Holiday はこちら。      

・coallition 一時的、暫定的な結合, stipulate 約定の条件として明文化する。約定。nutrition, 
・to crack down 相手を懲らしめる, as far as, to make friends, on a obvious point, final position, 
  ailment: a physical disorder or llness, baby basic, free pony ride, stray animal, 
・the stork: the bird when it is the symbolic bdliverer of a new baby,
             a visit from the stork (私の"stork" の発音が、外人には通じなかったようである。)
・FL,USから来ている教師と "twilight zone:この世にありえない不思議な世界" 
 についてfree discussion をした。次元を超えた話。人の顔が突然豚の顔に変わる等々、想像の世界のdiscussionであった。 
  最近の日本の英字新聞で読んだが、と。: media warfare, no casualties of war, hacker
  clone: stem cell, genetic operation, double-edged sward 
  humiliate:不名誉な, Christopher Reeves と言う20年ほど前の俳優、などがでてきた。 

・Canadaからきている教師との話し: "abductee" の話 (kidnapped illegally and by force),
      to improve the political negotiation, brain washed、 についてtalkした。
・receding hairline髪の毛の生え際が後退すること, clone baby

・can be done will be done, essential notion, within the constitution, we are grateful: I'm grateful for four help.
・she turned away anybody. day to day basis, Annarbor
・Annarbor: MI,US の或る町の名称です。arbor=leaf of tree, aboreal animal.
・sterile white: 病院の白、sterilize 殺菌する、「ステロ」と聞こえる。 cf: pasteurize
・to crack=to open a book in order to study or read: It was a little late to be cracking the books.
・NASDAQ is up 8 points. seasonal adjustment. 
・treat to the national security
・ハッカー:hacker, セフト:theft. 30  victims
・from coast to coast, border to border

・go, come, fly, walk は here, there, where, somewhere, home, abroad を目的地とするとき"to"をつけないこと。
・飛行機に乗るのは ride でなく、fly somewhere とか take an airplane のように使うこと。
・old fashioned style.
・意思決定を相手に委ねると、丁寧な感じの表現になる: I would rather do something.
・Movie rating : G: General audiences, PG: Parental Guidance Suggested,  R: Ristricted etc.
・I like to do.  と I would like to do. の違い。 前者は 「いつも」の心, 後者は、「今」の心。 
・powerful windstorm. 
・high gasoline supply. gasoline prices are down. 
・opponents concede
・wintry: Wintry weather will dominate much of the Rockies and Plains today. It will be 
          quite cold and snow will fall from the Bitterroots of southwestern Montana to 
          the Medicine Bow Mountains and Gore Range of Colorado. 
・Bowling: explosive energy
・the first full scale discussions
・インタービーン: intervene <--- intervention
・terrorist attack: アナンシエーション: annunciation 通告 
・War: Spectacular attack.
・You need help or if you would like help.の違いは?   Call assistance office.
・you can buy advance ticket. Don't miss !
・long period of time. 
・ingress: An ingress was blocked. 

・Canada-US: duty free within eight hundred dollers.
・St. Louis Blues: which didn't have a great deal of success. 
・to weather 艱難辛苦をsurvivalしてやってくる、動詞。 weathered through a difficult time.
・Reservations are recommended.
・financial: ... you need help or you would need help. の違いは? 

・He is such a well meaning people. 
・Plant; as far as nature is concerned. genetic engineering. incredible power. cactus, 
・comfortable with that. period of time. incredible story at North Vietnam captivity. 
・Cooking; What is doing in the kitchen ? 
・two tripple zero one, unemployment ratio extention,  
・gawk =to stare stupidly or with astonishment: onlookers gawking at the car accident ぽかんと見とれる、のろま  
・life style, nutrition expert, 
・Space shuttle launching; delayed for technical problems. 
・Baseball Matsui; this past season 
・NASDAQ; during 3rd quota 
・football; dominate for a long time.  to win the game,  be quiet for me.

・football analogy, grand strategy, to keep system moving, shrill 金切り声 
・invaluable=priceless 非常に貴重な 
・corrode, corrosion 腐食 
・mold=fungi 菌類 (なお、キノコ=mushroom)、mold には「鋳型、型、モールド」の意味もある。
・... please call at 225 2379 extention 4563. 
・stray animal... 
・The exchange rate for today is one hundred nineteen Yen to the US doller at all military banking facilities. 
・That sounds good.
・Transportation is free. Cinema schedule, 
・ experience hot water outage this week end, the reason this is because...
・3 in a row, in our life time, I guess, I agree
  ridiculous, tremendous 
・俳優のディカプリオ DiCaprio がインタビューで言っていた;cultural struggle, religious struggle

・private pilot, to take down= to write down(to take down a speech), conspiracy 陰謀, catsup=ketchup, 
  mannequin=manikin=mannikin: a solid representation of the human form used in window displays, etc; a dummy.

  The Earth travels through streams of dust left behind the comet Temple-Tuttle.
  He runs a Web site about comets and meteors.

  strungle, suffocate (ゴーカートのエンジンにmufflerがまきついて、、)窒息させる、 
  face to face meeting, failsafe system 
  Holiday is around corner.
・ NZからきている教師いわく、"Mary Celeste" という名の船の物語は、有名なんだ、と。
  様々に憶測されている。 英語会話の練習の題材として、speculative language

・ "launch" は、"lance" 投げるの意味がある。
  フランス語の "lance" 槍、 "lancement" 発射、進水式 と兄弟語なのでしょう。

・ NZからきている同じ教師に、lessonに先立って、「ナゾナゾ問題」 をもらいました。
  すなわち、"Why can't you pick up two snakes ?" 
              "In this case, not one snake, not three snakes, not four snakes,..."
    ココロは、"They must be too heavy."だと。 heavy--->蛇、hebi、ヘビー。一本やられました。

・ New Orleans, LA から来ている教師いわく、この地名は、France のオルレアン に由来するものだ、と。
・ New York は、なんでもイングランドのYork に由来するそうです。

・ 日本だって、「新横浜」とか「新大阪」など「新」をつけている名称は結構多いですね。
  しかし、かの地の "New" は、「移住」等の新天地を求めて先祖がやってきたという
・ 「新宿」は、「新橋」は、何だ。  さて????

話のツナギ、 transition ということ。   
  "First of all, next , third, ...., however, therefore, finally, in conclusion"
  をストーリー展開の順を追って、適宜挿入して話すと、話がスムーズ、fluent に聞こえる、と。

  もちろん、first of all でなく、first だけでも良いし、 the first thing と言ってもよろしいようです。 

"foods" の話 
  生ものを食するか否かについても良く話題に上ります。raw fish は彼らもOK のようですが、
  raw egg はダメなようですね。納豆もダメナ人がいます。もっとも日本人でも、納豆はまったく

Octpus を食する外人は、結構いるようです。
  USのボーイスカウトは、Survival training のため、grasshopper を食べるそうです。
  豚肉は、日米とも「ナマ」では食べず、必ずcook します。virus? germ ? がいるためでしょうか。


  同じひとつのObject を見るにしても、そういうものの見方をするようになるには、

Comfort food: USから来ている人、「雨の夜は、暖かい飲み物とクッキーで気分が休まる」と。
    この "comfort" は、"comfort station" と同じ使い方であろうか。

現在何をしているか 、と彼らは良く聞いてきます。 

   What do you do now ?
   What do you do to keep busy ?

  I retired from ....... 4 years ago.
    I work for .....,I'm in charge of accounting department.


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