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  1. Kanji characters read "Start, Spring".
  2. Calendar: It is around Feb.04.
       The sun moves from 315 to 330 degree on the ecliptic.
       RISSHUN is the first day of spring according to the calendar.
  3. Legendary: 
       Warm east winds blow and the ice melts. 
       The nightingales start to sing at the foot of mountains.
       Fish jump out through the cracks in the ice.
  4. Climate: It feels still cold, but sometimes warm winds blow 
       from the east. 
  5. Agriculture: Farmers are praying for good days for rice planting.
  6. Food: "Rice and Misoshiru(soup)" are our daily dishes.
  7. Event: "SETSUBUN" festival is held just before this day at shrine.