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Cloud HeightF
You can calculate the height of targetted cloud
after measuring the angles described below the figure.@@

šMeasure angles at points ‚`A‚a twice with appropriate time interval.
šConceptual Model:
‚`A‚a: Observation points, ‚p: The points below the target cloud ‚oD

š¨Action: Type numerics below
‡@Angle of AB from the NORTH.
‡ADistance between A and B.
‡BElevation angleƒ¿iÚ‚o‚`‚pj
‡CHorizontal angleƒÁ@at AiÚ‚a‚`‚pj
‡DHorizontal anggleƒÂ at BiÚ‚`‚a‚pj
‡EElevation angleƒ¿2 at AiÚ‚o‚Q‚`‚p‚Qj
‡FHorizontal angleƒÁ2 at AiÚ‚a‚`‚p‚Qj
‡GHorizontal angleƒÂ2 at BiÚ‚`‚a‚p‚Qj
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