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6.  Conclusion and epilogue for improving our environment.
Many solutions have been presented as "Mitigation and Adaptation" by     
the government. Those measures are very important, and we can all do our 
best by following measures. But we would like to propose some of our 
own ideas to help improve the environment.  
Here are some measures that we are considering based on the 
Kyoto Protocol Conference. 

Mitigation is needed in order to stop the acceleration of global warming.
We would like to:
   (1) encourage public institutions, companies, 
         NPOs, and individuals to work together in order to spread the 
         "Mottainai" spirit that arose out of the Kyoto Protocol Conference 
         to all parts of the world.
   (2) promote plantations and alternative energy sources, 
         e.g., biomass, solar, water and wind energy.   
   (3) understand the mechanisms of global warming.
   (4) encourage all to have a strong attachment to their 
         local communities and the nature that surrounds them.
   (5) help all countries to establish global warming prevention centers 
         and to work in cooperation with their governments 
         who are working in conjunction with the Environmental Ministry of 
         Japan and / or JICA(*2).

We would like to help people living in underdeveloped countries to be 
able to live in and adapt to new environments which will foster their 
In order to do this we must do the following:
   (1) give advice for land development.
   (2) provide information about weather and or river conservation 
         to those who live near rivers in order to protect their 
         lives and properties.    
   (3) encourage and support schools which teach subjects 
         that are related to meteorology, environment and disaster 
   (4) encourage local governments to provide their citizens with 
         information  and maps that will direct them to evacuation 
         centers in case of emergencies. 
We consider these actions stated above to be in accordance with the  
ODA(*3) and what they have been doing. 
We must keep in mind how important the future is to our children, 
in order to achieve these goals. 

    Anyway, if you have a chance to visit Japan, we hope that you 
will observe the unique Japan'sweather. You might understand how 
the Japanese aesthetic sensibility is deeply affected by the climate.  
    We also would like to suggest that you enjoy our Japanese tea 
ceremony and compose a "Tanka" or "Haiku" to express your impression 
of Japan as a souvenir on the way back to your home country.

    *1  COP3:  The 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the 
               United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 
               1997.12.1 - 12.10. held at Kyoto, Japan.
    *2  JICA:  Japan International Cooperation Agency.
    *3  ODA:   Official Development Assistance,
               for under-developing countries by developed countries.

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