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4.  Daily life and environment.

In this section we will discuss the meaning and the spirit of three terms; 
"Mottainai", "Wabi-Sabi" and "Imperfect". 

The thought of finding essential values in things
   It is important for us to find the value in all things. It is vital 
that we treasure and respect our unique natural environment and to value 
all its resources. These ideas are expressed in the term "Mottainai" which 
Ms. Wangari Maathai, Deputy Environment Minister of Kenya, was trying to 
popularize in the world. This Japanese word means reduce, recycle, repair 
and reuse. This term was originated in the 18th century, the Edo era, 
by Tokyoites. At that time Tokyo was the most heavily populated city in the 
world. Tokyoites felt to live in peace and in prosperity, so they tried 
to utilize the limited natural resources and cooperated with each other
in doing so. 

The refined and aesthetic mind
   The refined and aesthetic mind is very important to us. "Wabi-sabi", is a 
term that became popular in the 16th century. This term expresses the beauty 
of modesty and humbleness. It is composed of two separate words, "Wabi" and 
"Sabi". "Wabi" means "sober refinement" and is used in the traditional 
Japanese tea ceremony. "Sabi" means "to grace with age" and is used in the
world of "Haiku" (Japanese Poetry) 

   The spirit of “Wabi-sabi” and “Mottainai” resemble each other, in that 
they stress respect for old things and for being not wasteful in daily iving. 
Nothing, no matter how imperfect it is, ever loses its essence.

To know the spirit of "Imperfect" 
   To understand the spirit of "Imperfect" is very important. This word "imperfect" 
was given a new meaning by Tenshin Okakura about one hundred years ago in 
"The book of Tea". The term “Imperfect” comes from hundreds of years of 
practice in the tea ceremony and Japanese poetry. The spirit of this is to 
appreciate and accept something exactly how it is, even if it is not perfect. 
Regardless of its imperfections, it must be accepted because its essence is 
still an integral part of it. "The Book of Tea" was published in New York and 
written by Tenshin Okakura who once worked for The Boston Museum of Art more 
than one hundred years ago. 
   This spirit is symbolized and quite visible at temple gardens in Kyoto    
and elsewhere in Japan and is an important part of our daily lives and culture.   
We must keep this culture and beliefs for our children and future generations, 
but, unfortunately black clouds of pollution are rising on the horizon.

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