Return Home CLI MVA Previous Top Environment Mother Nature made the Earth, and controls its weather including all living creatures and plants on it. From here we will discuss the deep effects the Mother Nature has had on the Japanese people especially on literature, archi- tecture, thinking patterns and our ways of life.@1. Prologue for nature and people "Mt. Fuji" is a symbol of Japan's natural beauty. Many people, throughout time have been deeply impressed by its majestic beauty and have tried to express their feelings about it through music, art and literature. Here we will show some passages from old Japanese literature. @2. Words that express the beauty of nature When we look at nature's beauty, we often have difficulty describing it due to its magnificence, but through understanding of nature's beauty we can learn how to express our appreciation for it. 3. Nature's beauty that God has created. The world we live in is surrounded by nature's beauty and natural resources. Many of us live in awe of how beautiful God has created our world. This gives many of us a feeling of a kinship to the land that we live on. @4. Daily life and environment At this point we should introduce you to a very special Japanese term called "Mottainai" which has been popularized by Ms. Wangari Maathai, Deputy Environment Minister of Kenya addressed at COP3. We would also like to discuss the term "Imperfect", which was given to us by Tenshin Okakura. 5. The emerging problems in the nature We are thankful for the fruits of modern industrialization. But, recently many of us can see that the industrial era has destroyed a lot of what nature created. The harmony between nature and mankind is marred, and we hear the Mother Nature asking for help. 6. Conclusion and epilogue for sustainable nature "Mitigation and Adaptation" are the most important measures for environmental issues.
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